Why everyone is trying to be someone else? | Why everyone is so judgmental ?

Why everyone is trying to be someone else?
Please don't try to be like someone else.
Everyone is going to ask you to change in order to be perfect.
Like if you are fat then everyone criticize your weight and If you are skinny then everyone criticize your body on their basis.
Like we go through a lot of judgement like from your skin colour to your height to your family status , to your education, your percentage, your confidence level , your dressing sense like every damn countless thing.
Everyone has to face this criticism its like part of your life or maybe called it as tradition Because daily we have to face it. It's just like a routine and if you are saying no one is judging you then trust me you gotta wrong assumption or something is wrong with you.
But we all know no one is perfect, right?

So remember one thing, nothing is more beautiful in you that's YOU.
Don't belong to any category.
The right people will love you, love your vibe, love your soul, love you the way you are.
They just love every damn thing about you because it will so organic, so pure, so real. It is your sparkle.
Why everyone is so judgemental
It's going to take a little more time to get appreciation.
But when you get it, You will know that it's yours and is staying with you forever. 
Just believe in yourself and love the way you are.
Just follow every positive vibe.
Take every judgement as a compliment.
Work on yourself, work on your weakness.
Found your lost sparkle and brighten all your worries so that not any darkness could grab your sparkling joy.
Explore your life, Explore your passion.

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