How do you stop mind chatter? | Mind Chatter | One life infinite exploration

How do you stop mind chatter?

We probably all have experienced this mind chatter or still, we are experiencing it. Like when we are silent, we feel that mind chattering which always bothers us and then our thoughts always get busy in something imaginary related to our pastor may be of our future, why all this happens? Why we stuck in am imaginary world? Because it really becomes hard to get rid of it.
So the lot of thoughts that we called as thought lateness, no mind this kind of terms are propagated all over.
And this term has been badly misunderstood and maybe all kinds of things and people are striving how to stop my mind.

It took a millions year of evaluation of the mind of this kind of capabilities.
Nature has done tremendous work to make this brain for human beings.
And now we all wanted to stop it?
Like if we want to stop our mind we have to stop everybody's functions like kidney, heart, liver just everything.
Suppose your mind was constantly pursuing countless pleasures, would you like to stop it?
No, we wouldn't because we are happy with the pleasures and then you don't think to stop the mind chatter.
Then the mind will be frozen with pleasures. This is how pleasures work throughout the entire mind.
Suppose if you are sitting at the beach.
The beautiful view out there shores, skies floating across over the sea. Everything is perfect but your body is there and your mind is anywhere else and you are somewhere else then what the value of that beautiful view? Where is that enjoyment?
So what I want to tell you that, once you know the space between you and your mind.
Then what your mind is doing it doesn't matter. It is not a big issue.
It is like consider this example, suppose you are stuck in the traffic jam this is an experience or suppose that you are in a hot air balloon above the sky then if you look down then traffic below you doesn't matter. Because you were up in the sky and you are happy with your peace because there is no noise pollution and no drama is there because you are distant from the traffic.
So once there is a distance between you and your mind activity.  Mind is not a problem, It is miracle and anyway if your thoughts are continuously going in your mind then you have mental diaries like if you ate something wrong, like something which bad for your body then it produces physical diaries like stomach infection.
So if you have wrong thoughts with you which you don't want, then it is obviously a mental diary.
The moment when you identify yourself with something that you are not,  then you are finished. There is no other way, do what you want, try what you want,  it is not going to stop you.
If you do not identify yourself with anything that you are not then everything must be sorted easily.
You know how to be with anything? How to use everything?
But you do not identify it then you will see if you sit anywhere simply mind will be in peace.
If you want to use it .it will be steady. You can keep your mind. It is a useful instrument.
It is just like you are living in a comfort that nobody can see it but people can see it if they know you that closely. 
Whether they can see it or not it is not an issue. The point is the most important faculty of your life is out of control.
It is doing something rubbish all the time, that you don't want it to do.
So if you want it to be free from this issue you stop consume bad food, bad food means you are identifying nonsense things which actually not deals with you.
Then your mind do what you wanted to do.
Mind shouldn't be telling its own stories all the time. It should tell the story you wanted to tell all the time isn't it?

Otherwise it quite a nonsense .
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